Hearing Test | Hearing Exam Longmont, CO

What to Expect at a Hearing Test

Wading through highly technical medical information and the enormity of options on the hearing intervention market is a daunting process, but there’s no need to go it alone. We have our patient’s best interests at heart, in addition to the skills needed to make personalized recommendations and the training to devise custom hearing health plans suitable for every person’s unique needs.
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What to Expect at a Hearing Test
Tips for a successful hearing exam

Tips for a successful hearing test

It can be intimidating to walk into a hearing test, particularly if your hearing health has been challenged recently. Testing anxiety happens to the best of us! But, all you have to do is schedule the appointment and keep it. Our team is ready to handle the intricacies of the testing process and help you fully understand your results.

Our receptionist will greet you when you first arrive. We keep our office friendly and comfortable so you can relax and be at ease during your visit.

Be ready to talk about your hearing experiences

One thing we’ll rely on you for is an understanding of your recent hearing experiences. This can help us understand what brought you into our practice and grasp the full scope of your current reality.

Bring a loved one for support

We welcome the addition of a friend or family member to accompany you to your hearing consultation. Having a loved one can make you feel more comfortable during your hearing exam, help you fill in the gaps in your hearing experience, and even serve as a sounding board for any decision-making you might do after your consultation.
Process of a hearing consultation

Process of a hearing consultation

Medical history

Like most medical providers, we start with an overview of your medical history. Our bodies function as a whole system, and any traumas, illnesses, or injuries you’ve had during your lifetime may even now impact your hearing.

Beyond conditions of note, your lifestyle and habits play a role in hearing health. Hobbies, recreational activities, and professional histories help us piece together the role noise exposure may have played in your current levels of hearing.

We take our time and listen to you closely to gain a better understanding of your hearing situation. Being able to recollect and relay these important pieces of information can help our hearing professionals gain the bigger picture surrounding your hearing health, even before we progress into the actual hearing exam.

Physical examination

Your ears will be examined by one of our licensed professionals so that we can rule out any conductive hearing loss issues. Meaning, we will check to see that the visible parts of the ear look healthy and that there is no physical obstruction in the ear canal.

Hearing Tests to Expect

Hearing Tests to Expect

If everything looks clear in the physical examination, we'll give you a full hearing evaluation that includes air, bone, and speech testing. We administer all hearing tests in a quiet, private space so that you feel comfortable and can focus on the tests before you.

Initially, we’ll start with playing sounds and you will report back what you’re hearing. There is no way to get this test right or wrong, so don’t worry about your grade. Our goal in a hearing exam is to get the most accurate results, so just try to relax and be ready to give feedback.

After the Consultation

After the Consultation

Your hearing consultation isn’t complete until we carefully walk you and any loved one that has accompanied you through your results. The data from your hearing tests will come in the form of a graph, an audiogram, that presents your hearing capabilities. Our team prioritizes our post-exam conversation so that you fully comprehend your current levels of hearing and any implications on future hearing patterns.

If treatment for hearing loss is recommended, our audiologist Dr. Nicole will walk you through the options and make recommendations with your best interests in mind. Colorado Hearing & Tinnitus is an independently owned and operated hearing health center, which allows us to make the best choice for each patient and their specific needs and goals. We can simulate your hearing loss to a loved one to help them better understand your hearing experiences. In many cases we are also able to provide a live in-office demonstration of hearing instruments in your ears!

Here at Colorado Hearing & Tinnitus, we never pressure patients to get hearing aids! We work with you, at your comfort levels, to build a personalized plan for more enhanced hearing today and much further down the road.

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We make sure hearing impairment does not steer your life - with a passion for better hearing since 1976!

For the best solutions to all your hearing healthcare needs, look no further than Colorado Hearing & Tinnitus!